Wednesday, February 15, 2012

All you need is Love

We sure had a fabulous Love day. Hope you did too!

Brody and I decorated with hearts while our little sissy was down for a nap.

We had to Heart Attack our house before handsome Daddy got home.

What a lovely day we get once a year to celebrate Loving our Loved ones. :)

A day in the life....

....of Brody

My little man likes to steal my camera off the counter.

Before I know it, he has taken many photos.

The pictures always crack me up and he loves to tell me about them.

Maybe he will be our little photographer?!?!

Who knows,

All I know is I LOVE my little dude!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Big Boy Undies!


We couldn't be happier to say that we only have one child in diapers now! Woot Woot!!!

Brody has been such a big boy, learning how to use the potty. He really likes his Big Boy Undies and likes when elmo talks to him on the potty. After he uses the restroom he gets to watch cartoons for a little bit. And since he would be a couch potato if I let him be, he really likes this reward! We started Monday the 30th, he only had 4 accidents all week. Good Job Brody! To celebrate one week of being potty trained, Austin and I took him to get a toy on Monday.

We told him he could choose 1 toy for doing such a good job on the potty. We get in the store and he kept grabbing trucks and motorcycles,

when I told him, "Brody you only get 1 toy remember",

he says "NO, Brody does a good job, I get all the toys!" haha

He finally decided on these cool motorcycles, and the package came with 3 so he felt pretty good about the choice.