Thursday, September 2, 2010

Brody's 1

Our Darling Mr. Brody Boo is 1 today!
He has grown so much in the last year and is the joy in our house. He puts a smile on our faces the moment he wakes up in the morning and keeps us giggling all day long.

(Brody at 1 week)
Brody was born at 12:03am on September 2, it sure was hard to get him here but worth every minute of it. We don't know what we would do without our little man.
(Brody at 2 months)
Brody is seriously the happiest most content child. Everything makes him smile and he constantly is making himself laugh by the noises he makes to the things that he touches, tastes and sees.

(Brody at 4 months)
He has always loved to eat and especially loves to eat what mom and dad are having.

(Brody at 7 months)
Bath time is and always has been his favorite time of day, he screams with excitement the moment we walk in the bathroom. I can hardly get his clothes off before he is climbing over the edge of the tub to get in and splash with his toys.
(Brody at 8 months)
Brody loves to read. I often find him in his room sitting with a few books that he has pulled off his shelf. He love the pictures and turning the pages all by himself. He cracks up at his books that make sounds. He gets so excited to turn to the next page to hear what other sound is coming.
(Brody at 12 months)
Brody has been walking now for a few weeks, he is so proud of himself and wants to walk everywhere we go. He claps and is so excited for himself while he walks around the house.
I can't believe how fast 1 year went by, I feel like he should still be my little baby. He is such a big boy and this year has been such a joy for us to watch him grow and see all the new things that he learns everyday. I am excited to see all the many more happy years of growing and learning.

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